Trademark Licensing

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any use of a trademarked symbol on any sort of product, such as stickers, pins, shirts, bottles, pencils or any similar item must be purchased from an officially licensed vendor. The University of Arkansas Licensing office maintains a list of these vendors for use by the campus community. Contact the licensing office at 479-575-5037 or email us at

The university, like virtually all other institutions and businesses in the United States, has developed policies controlling the use of trademark verbiage and logos because these marks symbolize its purpose, values and traditions. The university owns and controls its names(s) and other marks, logos, insignias, seals, designs and symbols which include the use of, but not limited to:

  • Any symbol in this guide described as a logo, lockup or wordmark
  • “HOGS™”
  • The image of Old Main®
  • any Razorback marks or images
  • and the University of Arkansas school Seal.

If you have a design that is a variation of these marks and logos, it is protected by the University of Arkansas. If the design can be construed to look like a Razorback, or creates any confusion in the marketplace with the general public as to it being a “RAZORBACK,” or a variation of one of the University’s trademarks, then the design will infringe on the University of Arkansas’ federal regulations.

An “®” emblem must appear on all products that have the University’s registered marks and verbiage, otherwise a “™” must be present on all products pertaining to any of the University’s marks that are not registered. These marks are used for sale, promotional, and advertising purposes and are well known and recognized by the general public and associated with the University in the public and associated with the University of Arkansas in the public mind.

Any reference to the University or trademarks adopted hereafter and used or approved for use by The University of Arkansas shall be subject to the policies and procedures of the Office of Trademark Licensing. Any derivations (including caricatures) of the University marks, which would cause consumers to erroneously believe that the product originated from, was or is sponsored by or authorized by the university, shall also be covered by the trademark licensing program policies and procedures.


For more information, please contact the University of Arkansas licensing office at 479-575-5037 or email us at